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About AJ Musique

AJ Musique was created in February 2003 to offer musicians a high-quality, made-to-measure service for the repair, modification, customization, advice and sale of wind instruments such as clarinets, oboes, English horns, bassoons, contrabassoons, fagotts and counterfagotts. For several years now, in order to be more efficient in our field, we have left clarinets to the many specialists in Paris, and now only repair and sell double-reed instruments.

In our workshop, Amaury Montac, who learned how to make and repair clarinets from 1996 to 1999 at Buffet-Crampon, then went on to work at Henri Selmer and a Parisian workshop, will advise you on your purchases according to your level and needs. We can advise you on the maintenance of your instruments, and on the quality of the various manufacturers you will choose.